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Ingredients to serve 4:
4 chicken pieces
1 medium onion
2 eating apples
1/2 pint/275ml cider
1/4 pint/150ml stock
1/4 pint/150ml clotted cream
3oz/75g butter
2oz/50g flour
salt and pepper
Dust the chicken pieces with half the flour, season then fry in 2oz/50g of butter until brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and place in a casserole dish.
Peel, core and chop one of the apples and slice the onion. Fry these in a pan over a low heat until soft. Stir in the remaining flour and cook for 1 minute, gradually adding the cider and stock. Bring the mixture to the boil and pour over the chicken pieces. Cover the casserole and cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C/gas mark 4 for about 45 minutes.
Remove the chicken from the casserole using a slotted spoon. Keep the chicken warm and pour the liquid from the casserole into a saucepan. Reduce the liquid by boiling for 5 to 10 minutes. Slice the second apple and fry in the remaining butter. Add the cream to the sauce but do not allow to boil again. Arrange the apple slices on top of the chicken and pour over the sauce to serve.